Thor Meets His Mother Again in Endgame

Curiosity Cinematic Universe character

Marvel Cinematic Universe character
Tom Hiddleston by Gage Skidmore.jpg

Tom Hiddleston appearing in costume as Loki at the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con

Start appearance Thor (2011)
Based on


  • Stan Lee
  • Larry Lieber
  • Jack Kirby
Adjusted by
  • Ashley Miller
  • Zack Stentz
  • Don Payne
  • J. Michael Straczynski
  • Mark Protosevich
Portrayed by
  • Tom Hiddleston
  • Ted Allpress (immature; Thor)
In-universe information
Full proper name
  • Loki Laufeyson[1]
  • Loki Odinson (adoptive)
  • Loki Friggason (adoptive)
  • God of Mischief[2] [iii]
  • D. B. Cooper
  • Variant L1130 (2012 variant)
Species Frost Giant
  • Prince of Asgard
  • King of Asgard (disguised as Odin)
  • Chitauri
  • Revengers
  • Time Variance Authority (2012 variant)
  • Daggers and throwing knives
  • Scepter (Listen Rock)
  • Tesseract (Space Stone)
  • Gungnir[4]
  • Laufey (biological begetter)
  • Odin (adoptive father)
  • Frigga (adoptive mother)
  • Hela (adoptive sister)
  • Thor (adoptive blood brother)
Origin Jotunheim
Nationality Asgardian

Loki Laufeyson,[ane] known by adoption as Loki Odinson and by his championship every bit the God of Mischief,[two] [three] is a fictional character portrayed by Tom Hiddleston in the Curiosity Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise, based on the Curiosity Comics character of the aforementioned name and the Norse mythological god of the same proper noun. Loki get-go appeared in Thor (2011) and has since become an important recurring figure of the MCU; following the original Loki'due south decease in Avengers: Infinity War (2018), a variant of him from an alternate timeline is introduced in Avengers: Endgame (2019), diverging from the events of The Avengers (2012), headlining the goggle box series Loki (2021) alongside Sylvie, a female variant of him who is his dearest involvement.

As of 2021[update], the character has appeared in six films, takes the atomic number 82 part in the live-action series Loki (2021), with a number of alternate timeline variants appearing in Loki, the animated series What If...? (2021),[5] and in The Skilful, the Bart, and the Loki (2021), an animated short motion-picture show that serves equally a crossover with The Simpsons franchise,[6] including Archetype Loki, Child Loki, Boastful Loki, Alligator Loki, President Loki and more.

Loki's character has borrowed a number of characteristics and storylines from across the history of the character in Marvel Comics. Equally in the comics, Loki has mostly been a villain in the MCU, variously attempting to conquer Asgard or Earth, and having allied himself with more powerful villains to achieve his aims. He has particular antagonism for his adoptive brother Thor, and is known to variously ally with and then betray Thor and others, and to regularly return from apparent death. In his development through the series, he becomes less of a supervillain and more than of an antihero.

Concept and creation [edit]

The mythical figure Loki preceded Thor in making his outset Marvel Comics appearance, depicted in the science fiction/fantasy album championship Timely Comics' publication Venus No. 6 (August 1949) as a fellow member of the Olympian gods exiled to the Underworld. Even so, the electric current version of Loki made his first official Curiosity advent was in Journey into Mystery No. 85 (October 1962), where Loki was reintroduced as Thor'south sworn enemy. The modern age Loki was introduced by brothers and co-writers Stan Lee and Larry Lieber and he was redesigned past Jack Kirby. As one of Thor's curvation-nemeses, Loki frequently made appearances in Thor-related titles like Journey into Mystery and Thor, every bit well as other Marvel Universe titles such as The Avengers and X-Men, [seven] likewise equally brief appearances in the Spider-Man and Defenders comic series.

Live-action flick adaptations of characters in the Thor comic books were proposed at various times, but did non come to fruition. In the mid-2000s, Kevin Feige realized that Marvel still owned the rights to the core members of the Avengers, which included Thor. Feige, a self-professed "fanboy", envisioned creating a shared universe just as creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby had done with their comic books in the early 1960s.[8] In 2006, the film was announced as a Marvel Studios production.[ix] In December 2007, Protosevich described his plans for information technology "to exist like a superhero origin story, only not one near a human gaining super powers, but of a god realizing his true potential. It's the story of an Erstwhile Testament god who becomes a New Testament god".[10] In 2008, Guillermo del Toro entered talks to directly the motion-picture show. Del Toro was a fan of Jack Kirby'southward work on the comics, and said that he loved the character of Loki, but wished to incorporate more of the original Norse mythology into the flick,[eleven] including a "really muddy Valhalla, [with] Vikings and mud".[12] However, del Toro ultimately turned down Thor to direct The Hobbit. Kenneth Branagh entered into negotiations to direct,[thirteen] and by December 2008, Branagh confirmed that he had been hired. He described information technology as "a human story right in the eye of a big epic scenario."[14]

Several actors were reportedly considered for the part, including Josh Hartnett,[15] and Jim Carrey.[xvi] In May 2009, Marvel announced that Tom Hiddleston, who had worked with Branagh before and had initially been considered to portray the lead role, had been cast as Loki.[17] In June 2009, Feige confirmed that both Chris Hemsworth and Hiddleston had signed on.[18]

Characterization [edit]

Tom Hiddleston stated that "Loki's like a comic book version of Edmund in Rex Lear, just nastier".[xix] Hiddleston stated that he had to keep a strict nutrition before the starting time of filming considering director Kenneth Branagh "wants Loki to have a lean and hungry await, like Cassius in Julius Caesar. Physically, he can't be posing every bit Thor".[xx] Hiddleston too looked at Peter O'Toole as inspiration for Loki, explaining, "Interestingly enough, [Kenneth Branagh] said to look at Peter O'Toole in ii specific films, The Lion in Wintertime and Lawrence of Arabia. What'south interesting virtually ... his performance [every bit King Henry] is you lot see how damaged he is. There's a rawness [to his performance]; it's almost as if he's living with a layer of skin peeled away. He's grandiose and teary and, in a moment, past turns hilarious and so terrifying. What we wanted was that emotional volatility. It's a different acting way, information technology'south not quite the same affair, simply it's fascinating to get dorsum and watch an actor equally smashing every bit O'Toole head for those great high hills".[21] Ted Allpress portrays a young Loki.

Nigh his character's development from Thor to The Avengers, Hiddleston said, "I call up the Loki we run across in The Avengers is further advanced. You lot have to ask yourself the question: How pleasant an experience is it disappearing into a wormhole that has been created past some kind of super nuclear explosion of his own making? So I call up by the fourth dimension Loki shows up in The Avengers, he's seen a few things."[22] About Loki's motivations, Hiddleston said, "At the beginning of The Avengers, he comes to Earth to subjugate information technology and his idea is to rule the human race equally their king. And like all the delusional autocrats of human history, he thinks this is a groovy idea because if everyone is busy worshipping him, in that location will be no wars so he volition create some kind of world peace past ruling them as a tyrant. But he is too kind of deluded in the fact that he thinks unlimited power will requite him self-respect, so I haven't let get of the fact that he is still motivated by this terrible jealousy and kind of spiritual desolation."[23] Hiddleston also filmed scenes for Avengers: Age of Ultron, but his scenes were omitted from the theatrical cut because director Joss Whedon didn't want the movie to experience "overstuffed".[24]

In Thor: The Dark World, Loki forms an uneasy alliance with Thor against the Nighttime Elves.[25] [26] [27] On where he wished to have the grapheme in the film, Hiddleston said, "I'd like to accept [Loki] to his absolute rock bottom. I'd similar to see him yield, substantially, to his darkest instincts. Then, having hit rock bottom, peradventure come up support. I retrieve the fascination for me almost playing Loki is that, in the history of the mythology and the comic books and the Scandinavian myths, is he's constantly dancing on this fault line of the nighttime side and redemption."[28] Hiddleston recalled, "When I met Alan [Taylor], he asked me how I idea I could practice Loki once again without repeating myself and I remembered talking with Kevin Feige when nosotros were on the Avengers promotional tour. I said, 'OK, you've seen Thor and Loki exist combative for ii films now. Information technology would be amazing to run into them fight side by side. I've been the bad guy now twice, so I tin't be again, or otherwise I shouldn't be in the film. And so nosotros have to find a new role for me to play."[29]

Hiddleston was interested in how Loki'southward attitude has changed by the events of Thor: Ragnarok, saying, "he is always a trickster. It is trying to find new means for him to be mischievous".[thirty] Equally the ruler of Asgard since the end of Thor: The Dark Earth (2013), Hiddleston notes that "Loki has devoted near of his efforts to egotistic self-glorification. Not so much on practiced governance."[31] He likewise added that "the idea that Thor might exist indifferent to Loki is troubling for him... information technology'due south an interesting development".[32]

With respect to Loki's death at the get-go of Infinity War, Hiddleston expressed the stance that "it's very powerful he calls himself an Odinson, and that closes the whole journey of Loki and what he can do", also noting that Loki'southward death demonstrates how powerful Thanos is, setting the phase for the fight against him.[33]

In Loki (2021), Loki's sexual activity in the series is denoted by the Time Variance Authority as "fluid", in a nod to the character'due south genderfluidity in Curiosity Comics and Norse mythology. Hiddleston said that the "breadth and range of identity independent in the character has been emphasized and is something I was always aware of when I was starting time cast 10 years agone...I know it was important to Kate Herron and Michael Waldron and to the whole team. And nosotros were very aware, this is something we felt responsible for."[34]

Appearance and special effects [edit]

Hiddleston has noted that his transformation into Loki has required dyeing his naturally blond hair and making his naturally ruddy skin appear very pale, stating:

In making him with this raven black hair and blanching my face of all color, it changes my features. Suddenly my blue eyes look a lot bluer, which lends a severity to my face. And even my ain grin has a distorted menace to it. Whatever comes through me naturally is distorted.[35]

Loki'southward costume in Thor, designed by Marvel'south head of visual development Charlie Wen, adapted elements from the comics while adding elements to give it a futuristic experience, reflecting the treatment of magic in the Thor films as merely highly advanced engineering science. Similar other representations of Asgard, particularly including the costumes of Thor and Odin, it also referenced Norse symbols. Wen stated that he "designed Loki'south armor to be more overtly formalism than practical", in keeping with the grapheme being more focused on scheming for power than engaging in battle.[36]

Hiddleston described the horns worn every bit part of his Loki costume as weighing about 30 pounds, resulting in one instance during the filming of The Avengers where he asked co-star Chris Hemsworth to really punch him in the face up, because the weight of the horns fabricated it difficult to imitation beingness hitting.[37]

During the Loki TV serial, numerous Loki variants were shown or introduced with varying appearances. With respect to the nearly prominently featured variant, Sylvie, Loki costume designer Christine Wada and managing director Kate Herron planned Sylvie to be "mysterious and somewhat androgynous" in the first, fugitive her identity reveal to become "a total play on gender", rather, letting the character evolve on her own "as a strong female pb" without over-sexualization. Sylvie's look represents a character that is "a fighter", can stand on her own, and is prepared to engage in battles and runs. Instead of tailor-made armors usually given to female person comic book characters to raise silhouettes, the costume designer intended to not make distinctions betwixt the male and female clothing in the series. Sylvie's costume include a harem drop-crotch pant, which allowed her to emphasize move equally to a tight pant or a spandex suit. Wada decided to bring that grounded aspect to Sylvie's look into a storyline with magic elements, stating that "I believe it more than that somebody tin go fight when they're in a rugged boot more a pair of high heels... part is such a clear and of import thing to reference in all expert design."[38] In her first appearance, Sylvie wore a broken Loki crown, which she later left behind in the Ark. A version of the grapheme, Lady Loki, wore a similar crown in the comics.[39] Some other variant, Classic Loki, wore a costume inspired by the character'due south 1960s comic design past Jack Kirby.[forty]

Fictional character biography [edit]

Early life [edit]

Loki was born a Frost Giant and abandoned as an baby by his male parent Laufey, simply to exist plant by Odin during an invasion of the realm of the Frost Giants in Jotunheim. Odin used magic to brand Loki appear Asgardian and raised him as a son aslope Odin'southward biological son, Thor. During his upbringing, Odin'due south married woman Frigga taught Loki how to use magic.

He used these powers throughout his life, constantly tricking his adoptive blood brother Thor, as well as pulling a heist on Earth under the alias D. B. Cooper. He was embittered throughout his upbringing, perceiving that he was neglected by Odin in favor of Thor, and thus grew closer to his adoptive mother Frigga instead.

Expose of Asgard [edit]

Hundreds of years later, in 2011, Loki watches as Thor prepares to ascend to the throne of Asgard. This is interrupted by Frost Giants, allowed in to Asgard past Loki, attempting to retrieve an artifact chosen the Casket, which was captured past Odin in a state of war centuries before. Loki then manipulates Thor into traveling to Jotunheim against Odin'southward order to confront Laufey, the Frost Behemothic leader. A boxing ensues until Odin intervenes to save the Asgardians, destroying the fragile truce betwixt the two races. Loki discovers that he is Laufey's biological son, adopted past Odin afterwards the state of war ended. After Odin exiles Thor to Earth, Loki confronts Odin about his parentage, and a weary Odin falls into the deep "Odinsleep" to recover his forcefulness. Loki takes the throne in Odin's stead and offers Laufey the take chances to kill Odin and remember the Casket. Sif and the Warriors Three, unhappy with Loki, attempt to return Thor from exile, convincing Heimdall, gatekeeper of the Bifröst—the means of traveling between worlds—to allow them passage to World. Aware of their plan, Loki sends the Destroyer, a seemingly indestructible automaton, to pursue them and kill Thor. The Destroyer leaves Thor on the verge of death simply his sacrifice sees him become worthy of returning from exile and he regains his powers and defeats the Destroyer. Afterward, Thor leaves with his boyfriend Asgardians to face Loki. In Asgard, Loki betrays and kills Laufey, revealing his truthful plan to apply Laufey's endeavor on Odin's life as an alibi to destroy Jotunheim with the Bifröst, thus proving himself worthy to Odin. Thor arrives and fights Loki before destroying the Bifröst to end Loki'southward programme, stranding himself in Asgard. Odin awakens and prevents the brothers from falling into the abyss created in the wake of the bridge's destruction, but after Odin rejects Loki'south pleas for approval, Loki allows himself to fall into the completeness.

In space, Loki encounters the Other, the leader of an extraterrestrial race known every bit the Chitauri. In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract,[a] a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the Other promises Loki an army with which he can subjugate World. Later, Erik Selvig is taken to a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, where Nick Fury opens a briefcase and asks him to study a mysterious cube. Loki, invisible, prompts Selvig to agree, and he does.

Invasion of New York [edit]

In 2012, Loki attacks a remote Southward.H.I.E.50.D. research facility, using a scepter that controls people's minds and which, unknown to him, amplifies his hatred for Thor and the inhabitants of Earth.[43] He uses the scepter to educate Clint Barton and Dr. Erik Selvig, and steals the Tesseract. In Stuttgart, Barton steals iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract's power while Loki causes a distraction, leading to a brief confrontation with Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Natasha Romanoff that ends with Loki allowing himself to get captured. While Loki is being escorted to South.H.I.E.L.D. on the Quinjet, Thor arrives and takes him away, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan. However, Thor somewhen takes Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier. Upon arrival, Loki is imprisoned while Bruce Banner and Stark attempt to locate the Tesseract. Agents possessed by Loki attack the Helicarrier, disabling i of its engines in flight and causing Banner to transform into the Hulk. Thor attempts to stop the Hulk'due south rampage, and Loki kills the amanuensis Phil Coulson and ejects Thor from the Helicarrier every bit he escapes. Loki uses the Tesseract, in conjunction with a device Selvig built, to open a wormhole to a higher place Stark Belfry in New York City to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion. The Avengers make it and rally in defense of the city. Equally the Chitauri are ultimately defeated, the Blob attacks Loki and beats him into submission in the Tower, before Loki is arrested and taken to Asgard.

Loki is captured by the Avengers and brought back to Asgard past Thor to be imprisoned for his crimes on Midgard (Earth) using the Tesseract.

Boxing with the Dark Elves [edit]

In 2013, Dark Elves led by Malekith assault Asgard, searching for Jane Foster, whose body has been invaded by an unearthly forcefulness known equally the Aether. Malekith and his monstrous lieutenant Kurse impale Loki's adoptive female parent Frigga, who had taught Loki magic. Thor reluctantly frees Loki, who agrees to have Thor to a secret portal to Svartalfheim, home of the night elves, in return for Thor's promise to take vengeance for their mother. In Svartalfheim, Loki appears to betray Thor, in fact tricking Malekith into drawing the Aether out of Jane, only Thor's try to destroy the exposed substance fails. Malekith merges with the Aether and leaves in his ship as Loki appears to exist fatally wounded saving Thor from Kurse, whom Loki was able to kill through trickery. Thor ultimately defeats Malekith in a battle in Greenwich, and returns to Asgard to decline Odin's offer to accept the throne, and tells Odin of Loki'due south sacrifice. After Thor leaves, it is shown that Loki has actually survived and taken Odin's place on the throne, bearded as Odin.

Destruction of Asgard [edit]

From 2013 to 2017, Loki rules Asgard disguised as Odin, having kept the real Odin under a spell on Earth. During this fourth dimension, the disguised Loki sends Sif to Earth on a mission and later banishes her from Asgard.

In 2017, Thor returns to Asgard and discovers Loki'southward ruse, making Loki reveal himself to the shocked Asgardians. Later Loki tells Thor where Odin is, he is taken by Thor dorsum to Earth to New York Metropolis. Loki is trapped through a portal by Stephen Foreign as a threat to Earth, earlier him and Thor are sent into another portal in to Norway, where they find a dying Odin, who explains that his passing will allow his firstborn child, Hela, to escape from a prison she was sealed in long ago. Hela appears, destroying Mj̦lnir to Loki's shock, and forces Thor and Loki from the Bifr̦st out into infinite. Loki lands on the planet Sakaar, and chop-chop ingratiates himself to the ruler of that world, the Grandmaster. Thor later crash-lands on Sakaar and is captured by the slave trader Valkyrie, a former member of the ancient order of Valkyries defeated by Hela. Later on convincing Valkyrie and Loki to aid, they steal a ship with which to escape through a wormhole to Asgard Рbut non earlier Loki again attempts to betray Thor, causing Thor to exit Loki backside on Sakaar. However, Loki is found by Korg, Miek, and others who join him aboard a large vessel stolen from the Grandmaster chosen the Statesman. He leads them to return to Asgard and help the Asgardians escape the battle between Thor and Hela'due south forces, proclaiming himself their savior in the process. During the battle, on Thor'southward club, Loki goes to Odin's treasure room and places the crown of Surtur in the eternal flame kept there, thus causing an enormous form of Surtur to appear and destroy Hela and Asgard. In the procedure of doing so however, he steals the Tesseract from Odin's treasure vault. Thor, crowned male monarch, decides to accept the Asgardians to Globe despite Loki's concerns about how he volition exist received in that location.

Expiry [edit]

While en-road to Globe, in 2018, Loki and Thor are intercepted past a large spacecraft carrying Thanos and his children, alerted to their location by the presence of the Tesseract secretly being held by Loki. Later on wiping out half of the Asgardians onboard while the rest flee via escape pods, Thanos, wielding the Power Stone, overpowers Thor and Blob, kills Heimdall, and claims the Space Stone from the Tesseract that Loki hands over to him in order to spare Thor's life. In a terminal human action of self-sacrifice, Loki pretends to swear fidelity to Thanos, only to effort to stab his throat. Thanos intercepts the assault with 1 of his infinity stones, and kills Loki by snapping his neck, leaving his torso to be cradled in his brother's artillery.

2012 variant [edit]

Capture and learning original fate [edit]

Hiddleston promoting Loki at the 2022 San Diego Comic-Con

A variant of Loki, dubbed Variant L1130, retrieves the Tesseract in an alternate 2012 during the Avengers' "Fourth dimension Heist" and escapes following the Battle of New York, forming a new timeline. Loki escapes into Mongolia and is taken into custody by the Time Variance Say-so (TVA), while the new timeline is reset and destroyed.[44]

TVA judge Ravonna Renslayer labels him a rogue variant to be "reset". However, TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius intervenes and takes Loki to a Time Theatre where he reviews Loki'due south by misdeeds and questions his real motive for pain people. After realizing that the Infinity Stones cannot help him, as well as viewing his would-exist time to come on the "Sacred Timeline", including his own death at the mitt of Thanos, he agrees to help Mobius stop a rogue variant of himself.


Loki joins a TVA mission following an ambush by the fugitive Loki Variant in 1985 Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Loki stalls for time, but Mobius understands his plan. After some research, Loki proposes that the Variant is hiding near apocalyptic events like Asgard'due south Ragnarök, where the impending devastation means their actions cannot change the timeline, thus concealing them from the TVA. Loki and Mobius confirm this possibility past visiting Pompeii in 79 Ad. Travelling to 2050 Alabama, they encounter The Variant, who rejects Loki'south offering to work together to overthrow the Time-Keepers, before revealing herself as a female person variant of Loki. The Variant then uses TVA Reset Charges to "bomb" the timeline, creating new timeline branches to proceed the arrangement's minutemen decorated, before escaping through a portal to the TVA to assassinate the Fourth dimension-Keepers, with Loki in pursuit.

Allying with Sylvie [edit]

After a confrontation at the TVA, Loki teleports the Variant to Lamentis-1, a planet gear up to be destroyed past a shooting star shower, using their TemPad. Both are unable to escape due to the TemPad having run out of power. Like-minded to ally with one another, the Variant introduces herself to Loki past the alias "Sylvie" and proposes a truce in order to escape the planet. The pair sneak aboard a train jump for the Ark, a spaceship intended to evacuate Lamentis-1, in order to siphon its ability and recharge the TemPad. On the train, Loki gets boozer and starts a ruckus, causing him and Sylvie to be discovered and forced out by the guards. While walking to the Ark in guild to instead hijack it and go out the planet, to prevent it from being destroyed as according to the Sacred Timeline, Loki enquires nearly Sylvie'south enchantment ability, learning that the agents of the TVA are variants themselves; Loki reveals to Sylvie that the TVA agents, including Mobius, are not enlightened that they are variants. With the TemPad broken, the pair fight their way through the guards and through a falling star shower to the Ark, only to witness it being destroyed past a meteor merely as they get to it, leaving them stranded.

On Lamentis-1, Sylvie tells Loki she escaped the TVA when she was near to be arrested as a child. Loki and Sylvie form a romantic bond, creating a branched timeline never seen by the TVA. Mobius rescues the two from Lamentis and has them both arrested, punishing Loki by leaving him in a time loop from his by. Subsequently Mobius derides Loki for having fallen in beloved with Sylvie, Loki tells him that everyone working for the TVA are variants, which Mobius investigates. At present aware of his background upon finding proof, Mobius frees Loki from the loop, merely is soon confronted by Renslayer and pruned. Loki and Sylvie are taken to the Fourth dimension-Keepers, accompanied past Renslayer and her minutemen. Hunter B-15 intervenes, freeing Loki and Sylvie of their time twisting collars, and in the ensuing fight, the minutemen are killed whilst Renslayer is knocked unconscious past Sylvie. Sylvie then beheads i of the Time-Keepers, who turn out to all be androids. Loki prepares to tell Sylvie about his feelings, but Renslayer regains consciousness and prunes him. He awakens in a post-apocalyptic world, dubbed "the Void", with multiple other Loki variants, who invite him to bring together them.

Surviving in the Void [edit]

Loki learns from his other variants that a cloud-like creature named Alioth guards the Void and prevents anyone from escaping. Exhibitionistic Loki attempts to betray the other Lokis for another Loki variant (who was elected president in his timeline), causing a fight to ensue, forcing Loki and his variant allies to escape. After reuniting with Loki, Sylvie proposes a plan to approach Alioth and enchant it, in hopes that it will lead them to the real mastermind behind the TVA's creation, whilst Mobius teleports back to the TVA. Kid Loki and Reptile Loki escape while Classic Loki creates a large illusion of Asgard to distract Alioth and sacrifices himself in the procedure. This allows Loki and Sylvie to successfully enchant the fauna and motion past the Void. Noticing a citadel in the foreground, the pair walk towards it.

Coming together He Who Remains [edit]

In the Citadel at the Cease of Fourth dimension, Loki and Sylvie see Miss Minutes and decline an offer from her creator, "He Who Remains", to return them to the timeline with everything they want. He Who Remains reveals to Loki and Sylvie that he created the TVA after catastrophe a multiversal war caused by his variants. As the timeline begins to co-operative, he offers them a option: kill him and terminate the atypical timeline, causing another multiversal state of war, or become his successors in overseeing the TVA. Sylvie decides to kill him, while Loki pleads with her to stop. They kiss, simply Sylvie sends Loki back to TVA headquarters. At TVA headquarters, Loki warns B-xv and Mobius almost variants of He Who Remains, but they exercise not recognize him. Loki sees that a statue in the likeness of He Who Remains has replaced those of the Time-Keepers.

Alternate versions [edit]

2013 variant [edit]

An alternate variant of Loki from the events of Thor: The Night Earth briefly appears in Avengers: Endgame.

Time Heist [edit]

In an alternate 2013, Thor and Rocket travel to Asgard to accept the Reality Stone, passing unnoticed by a bored Loki in his holding jail cell at the dungeons.

Loki [edit]

Multiple "variants" of Loki in add-on to the 2012 variant appear in Loki.

Sylvie [edit]

Sylvie (portrayed by Sophia Di Martino as an developed and by Cailey Fleming as a kid) is a female person variant of Loki who seeks to "free" the Sacred Timeline from the TVA, developing a method of body possession to attain her ends.[45] She afterward falls in love with the 2012 variant of Loki. Sylvie was first taken into custody by the TVA every bit a piffling girl, but escaped, and thereafter spent her life evading them.

Other variants [edit]

L to R: The Boastful, Alligator, Kid and Archetype Loki variants every bit seen in "The Nexus Event". Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige said that seeing different versions of Loki was "part of the fun of the multiverse and playing with time".[46]

  • A variant of Loki dubbed " Boastful Loki " (portrayed by DeObia Oparei) wields a hammer and makes wild exaggerations about his accomplishments (including claiming to have defeated Captain America and Iron Homo, and obtained the Infinity Stones). Exhibitionistic Loki attempts to betray the Archetype, Child, and Alligator variants by allying with President Loki to rule the Void, only fails.
  • A reptilian variant of Loki dubbed " Alligator Loki " lives in the Void with beau Loki variants. Loki caput author Michael Waldron included him "considering he's dark-green", describing it equally an "irreverent" addition. Director Kate Herron used a "cartoony" stuffed alligator during filming, allowing actors to interact with it, with the onscreen version rendered using CGI.[47]
  • A younger variant of Loki dubbed " Child Loki " (portrayed by Jack Veal) created a Nexus consequence past killing Thor. He considers himself the king of the Void although information technology seems just Classic Loki and Alligator Loki respect this championship.[48] [49] He is based on the Marvel Comics character of the aforementioned name.
  • An elderly variant of Loki dubbed " Archetype Loki " (portrayed by Richard E. Grant) grew one-time on an isolated planet afterwards tricking Thanos and faking his death. Archetype Loki has the ability to conjure larger, more elaborate illusions than Loki.[40] This version sacrifices himself when creating an illusion of Asgard to let Sylvie and Loki to enchant Alioth. His costume was inspired by his 1960s comic design past Jack Kirby.[40]
  • A variant of Loki dubbed " President Loki " (portrayed by Tom Hiddleston) created a Nexus event by condign a president in his timeline. He attempts to dominion the Void with an army of other variants, and is at odds with Kid Loki.[49] Hiddleston chosen President Loki "the worst of the bad agglomeration", describing him every bit "the least vulnerable, the most autocratic and terrifyingly ambitious character who seems to take no empathy or care for anyone else".[50] His costume was inspired past the comic miniseries Vote Loki.[51] [52]
  • A series of holographs of Loki variants are shown in a scene in the TVA, including one with the blue pare of a Frost Giant, some other wearing the yellow jersey of the Tour de French republic leader and holding the race trophy, a third with a Hulk-like heavily muscled form, a fourth long-beared variant with hooves, and a fifth appearing more like a traditional viking.[53]
  • Multiple Loki variants are shown to be office of President Loki's crew, including "Glamshades Loki" (the long-beared variant with hooves), "Poky Loki", "In Prison house Loki", and "Wheel Loki". These variants were named by costume designer Christine Wada.[54]

What If...? [edit]

Several alternate versions of Loki appear in the animated series What If...?, with Hiddleston reprising his role.

Conquering the Earth [edit]

In an alternating 2011, post-obit the death of Thor during his exile to World, Loki arrives with the Asgardian army to avenge him. Confronted by Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.Fifty.D., he defeats them using the Casket of Ancient Winters before threatening to turn the entire earth into ice. Afterwards negotiating with Fury, he agrees to give him until the next sunrise to find Thor's killer, whom Fury deduces to be Hank Pym. The ii confront him in San Francisco and defeat him, but Loki decides to remain on World and apace becomes its ruler.[55]

Sometime later, Fury assembles a resistance motion to overthrow Loki and a battle ensues between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Loki's Asgardian forces. Just as Loki is almost to claim victory, the Watcher brings in a Natasha Romanoff from another reality where Ultron possessed Vision's body and killed the Avengers. She proceeds to subdue Loki with his Scepter.

Frost Giant prince [edit]

In an alternating 965 A.D., Odin returns an infant Loki to Laufey rather than adopting him, resulting in Loki growing up to exist the Frost Giant prince of Jotunheim. Loki and Thor later come across nether unknown circumstances and become all-time friends. In 2011, Loki attends Thor'south intergalactic party on Globe alongside his fellow Frost Giants, who vandalize Mount Rushmore. Loki accidentally prevents Jane Foster from contacting Thor when, due to his big Frost Giant fingers, he drops and breaks Thor'south jail cell telephone. He and his Frost Giants later send the London Eye spinning off into one management. When Thor intimidates the party guests into cleaning up while too mentioning that Frigga is coming, Loki'due south fellow Frost Giants put the London Center back on its stand up.

Reception [edit]

The character of Loki "has been a fan favorite always since his central function in 2012's The Avengers",[56] condign "ane of the MCU'due south most love characters".[57] Hiddleston has received a number of nominations and awards for his operation of the character.

Accolades [edit]

Year Moving picture Award Category Result Ref(s)
2011 Thor Scream Awards Scream Honor for Breakout Performance – Male Nominated [58]
2012 Empire Awards Best Male person Newcomer Won [59]
Saturn Awards Best Supporting Role player Nominated [threescore]
The Avengers Teen Pick Awards Choice Movie: Villain Nominated [61]
2013 Kids' Choice Awards Favorite Villain Nominated [62]
MTV Flick Awards Best Villain Won [63]
2014 Thor: The Dark World Empire Awards Empire Accolade for Best Supporting Actor Nominated [64]
Saturn Awards Saturn Award for All-time Supporting Actor Nominated [65]
2018 Thor: Ragnarok Teen Choice Awards Teen Choice Accolade for Option Picture Scene Stealer Nominated [66]
2021 Loki People's Option Awards Male Telly Star of 2021 Won [67]
2022 Critics' Pick Super Awards Best Actor in a Superhero Series Won [68]
Kids' Choice Awards Favorite Male person TV Star (Family) Won [69]
MTV Pic & Goggle box Awards Best Team[b] Pending [seventy]

Run into also [edit]

  • Characters of the Curiosity Cinematic Universe
  • Norse mythology in popular civilisation

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Producer Kevin Feige stated that the Tesseract is based on the Cosmic Cube from Marvel comics.[41] Afterwards Thor: The Dark World, he stated that information technology likewise held the Space Infinity Stone.[42]
  2. ^ Shared with Sophia Di Martino and Owen Wilson.

References [edit]

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External links [edit]

  • Loki on the Curiosity Cinematic Universe Wiki
  • Loki (2012 variant) on the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
  • Loki on Marvel Database, a Marvel Comics wiki
  • Loki on


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