I Love John R. Neill

Jack Pumpkinhead and Sawhorse

I first discovered John R. Neill in college when I bought a postcard with ane of his Jack Pumpkinhead and Sawhorse illustrations on the front. I institute these characters simultaneously creepy and wonderful, and it retained an honorable place equally one of my wall decorations for several years. (Did you apply postcards as wall fine art?)

Jack Pumpkinhead and The Sawhorse from Little Wizard Stories of Oz (1914)

These 2 characters recur in the Oz books and are supposedly dumb as bricks. (I would kill for a dog that looks similar Sawhorse.)

Jack Pumpkinhead and Sawhorse

Jack Pumpkinhead and Sawhorse by John R. Neill

The Marvelous Land of Oz - illustrated by John R. Neill

In high school, Neill discovered his talent for cartoon, and and so dropped out of fine art school after a semester because he felt there was nada for him to acquire there. He then developed his skill while working at the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Neill had to exist persuaded to have the beginning Oz illustration gig after 3 meetings because he was so busy with his newspaper work.

But then!

He illustrated over 30 of the Land of Oz books beginning in 1904, written by L. Frank Baum and then Ruth Plumly Thompson. He's all-time known for this piece of work, merely he as well continued to illustrate for magazines and newspapers during most of his career.

Oz books illustrated by John R. Neill

Baum and Neill collaborated on The Bounding main Fairies, a book that Baum intended to exist the offset in another fantasy series, merely information technology met with poor reception and the project was scrapped after the second volume. Cheque out the illustrations:

Sea Fairies illustration John R. Neill

Sea Fairies illustration John Neill

Sea Fairies illustration John R. Neill

Sea Fairies illustration John R. Neill

Whaddaya think? Exercise you dig the illustrations from a hundred years ago? Do your kids? I dearest to hear what kids take to say about onetime childrens' book illustrations.

What do you lot recollect?

Joanne Gonzales has a passion for getting creative. Whether she is making personalized DIY gifts or taking part in larger arts and crafts projects, she puts her all into making new and beautiful things.

She lives with a group of close friends and believes in the natural mode of life. Joanne has built an outdoor arts and crafts gallery that overlooks the countryside in her hometown, which is where all of her creations come up to life.

Art started off as a hobby, but over time Joanne has mastered her skills and sold some of her favorite pieces. She works total time as a florist and has washed for many years. It helps continue her creative juices flowing and she hopes to ane solar day open up her ain florist shop with a twist.


Source: https://craftwhack.com/i-love-john-r-neill/

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